(002) 01009222201; (800) 123-0046

  Mn-Fr: 10 am-8 pm


Edges We Have Over Competitors:


The range of services that a company is able to offer is usually the most important edge over one’s competition. We deal with everything – from commercial and residential systems to industrial & solar!


Founded more than two decades ago and employing over two dozens of highly skilled and experienced electricians, our company trumps anyone else when it comes to hands-on, hard-earned prowess!


Unlike some of our direct competitors, we never make it unattainable for our customers. Our pricing policy has always been inclusive and affordable. Also, we have an extensive range of promo offers !

Our Projects

We offer a whole range of services to fix your power supply issues, from installations to maintenance and repairs!


Commercial Grid

While the home electricity system is vital to the way we live, the commercial electricity supply is extremely crucial for the way we work, business offices operate and the clients get serviced.


Maintenance Works

Both residential and commercial electrical systems such as backup power generators, electrical outlets, and sockets, electrical panels, lighting and security systems - need a regular...



If we are to delve into how often do electric cars and electrical components in regular cars go off, the issue really starts to get out of hand, as opposed to when it comes to the buildings and...

Real Cases

Basically, when people say that their efficiency cannot be measured, be aware that they’re simply lying to you… We know it very well, as our track record of almost 10, 000 cases has a striking, 98% mark of cases won or settled in client’s favor. See these short list of our most recent legal victories to date*:

Residential System Repair

This time we were repairing a faulty power grid in the basement of...

Industrial System Installation

This time we were installing a new power grid in the basement of...

Residential System Installation

This time we were doing a maintenance for a faulty power grid...

Residential System Maintenance

This time we were doing a lengthy repair for a faulty power grid...